Curriculum Vitae

Jesse W. Campbell

Associate Professor and Chair

Department of Public Administration

Incheon National University

119 Academy-ro, Songdo 1-dong, Yeonsu-gu

Incheon, South Korea 22012

Past Appointments

Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Public Administration, Incheon National University, Incheon, Korea, 2016-2020.

Assistant Professor (tenure track), Department of Public and Local Service, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, 2014-2016.

Assistant Professor (contract), College of Public Service, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea, 2011-2014.


PhD in Public Administration, Seoul National University, South Korea, 2014. Dissertation: Performance Management and Identification: An Assessment of Change-Oriented Behavior in Public Organizations. Supervisor: Tobin Im.

MA in Philosophy, Western University, Canada, 2005.

BA (Hons) in English & Philosophy, Nipissing University, Canada, 2004.


Journal Articles

Campbell, J. W. (2023). Job autonomy, role ambiguity, and procedural justice: A multi-conditional process model of change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior in public organizations. Review of Public Personnel Administration.

Campbell, J. W., Pandey, S. K., & Arnesen, L. (2023). The Ontology, Origin, and Impact of Divisive Public Sector Rules: A Meta-Narrative Review of the Red Tape and Administrative Burden Literatures. Public Administration Review, 82(2), 296–315.

Campbell, J. W. (2023). Marketization and Public Service Motivation: Cross-Country Evidence of a Deleterious Effect. Public Personnel Management, 52(1), 91–116.

Campbell, J. W. (2023). Public Participation and Trust in Government: Results From a Vignette Experiment. Journal of Policy Studies, 38(2).

Campbell, J. W., & Ahn, Y. (2023). What factors underlie burden tolerance in South Korea? Policy implementation domain, administrative efficiency, and bureaucratic personality. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 45(4), 362–384.

Ahn, Y., & Campbell, J. W. (2022). Who Loves Lockdowns? Public Service Motivation, Bureaucratic Personality, and Support for COVID-19 Containment Policy. Public Performance & Management Review, 46(1), 86–112.

Campbell, J. W. (2022). Climate Change (Policy) Skepticism: Policy Performance Risk and Support for Fossil Fuel Taxation among Europeans. Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, 65E, 23–47.

Ahn, Y., & Campbell, J. W. (2022). Red tape, rule legitimacy, and public service motivation: Experimental evidence from Korean citizens. Administration & Society, 54(9), 1651–1688.

Campbell, J.W. 2021. Representative Bureaucracy, Immigrants, and Trust in Government: A Cross-National Study. Public Administration Issues, 6, 7–23.

Im, T. & Campbell, J.W. 2020. Coordination, Incentives, and Persuasion: South Korea’s Comprehensive Approach to COVID-19 Containment. Korean Journal of Policy Studies. 35(3), 119-139.

Campbell, J.W. 2020. Buying the Honor of Thieves? Performance Pay, Political Patronage, and Corruption. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. 63, 100439.

Ko, M.C., & Campbell, J. W. 2021. Social capital, person-organization fit and cynicism: A multi-stage mediation model of turnover intention in public organizations. Employee Relations, 43(4), 936–954.

Kasdan, D.O. & Campbell, J.W. 2020. Dataveillant Collectivism and the Coronavirus in Korea: Values, Biases, and Socio-Cultural Foundations of Containment Efforts. Administrative Theory & Praxis. 42(4), 604-613.

Wang, B., Park, S.D., Lee, J.Y., & Campbell, J.W. 2020. Smart, Sustainable, and Citizen Centered: A Network Analysis of Urban R&D Trends in Seoul, South Korea. Sustainability, 12(15), 5933.

Campbell, J.W. 2020. Red Tape, Rule Burden, and Legitimate Performance Trade-offs: Results From a Vignette Experiment. Public Performance & Management Review. 43(4), 741-765.

Tao, A.K. & Campbell, J.W. 2020. Veterans and Job Satisfaction in the U.S. Federal Government: The Importance of Role Clarity in the First Years of Civilian Employment. Public Personnel Management. 49(4), 508-531.

Campbell, J.W. 2019. Obtrusive, Obstinate and Conspicuous: Red Tape from a Heideggerian Perspective. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 27(5), 1657-1672.

Campbell, J.W. & Im, T. 2019. Exchange Ideology, Performance Pay, and Pay Satisfaction: Evidence from Korean Central Government. Public Personnel Management. 48(4), 584-607.

Campbell, J.W. 2018. Workgroup Accord and Change-Oriented Behavior in Public Service Organizations: Mediating and Contextual Factors. Journal of Management & Organization. Online first.

Campbell, J.W. 2018. Efficiency, Incentives, and Transformational Leadership: Understanding Collaboration Preferences in the Public Sector. Public Performance & Management Review. 41(2), 277-299.

Kalgin, A., Podolskiy, D., Parfenteva, D., & Campbell, J.W. 2018. Performance Management and Job-Goal Alignment: A Conditional Process Model of Turnover Intention in the Public Sector. International Journal of Public Sector Management. 31(1), 65–80.

Campbell, J.W. 2017. Felt Responsibility for Change in Public Organizations: General and Sector-specific Paths. Public Management Review. 20(2), 232-253.

Campbell, J.W. 2017. Red Tape and Transformational Leadership: An Organizational Echelons Perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 30(1), 76-90.

Campbell, J.W. & Im, T. 2016. Perceived Public Participation Efficacy: The Differential Influence of Public Service Motivation Across Organizational Strata. Public Personnel Management. 45(3), 308-330.

Campbell, J.W. 2016. A Collaboration-based Model of Work Motivation and Role Ambiguity in Public Organizations. Public Performance & Management Review. 39(3), 655-675. 

Campbell, J.W., Lee, H., & Im, T. 2016. At the Expense of Others: Altruistic Helping Behavior, Performance Management, and Transformational Leadership.Public Management Review. 18(6), 795-818.

Campbell, J.W. & Im, T. 2016. PSM and Turnover Intention in Public Organizations: Does Change-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior Play a Role? Review of Public Personnel Administration. 36(4), 323-346.

Campbell, J.W. 2015. Performance Management and Identification: An Assessment of Change-Oriented Behavior in Public Organizations. Public Personnel Management. 44(1), 46-69.

Kim, D.H. & Campbell, J.W. 2015. Development, Diversification, and Legitimacy: Emergence of the Committee-based Administrative Model in South Korea. Public Organization Review. 15(4), 551-564.

Campbell, J.W., Im, T., & Jeong, J. 2014. Internal Efficiency and Turnover Intention: Evidence From Local Government in South Korea. Public Personnel Management. 43(2), 259-282.

Campbell, J.W. & Cho, W. 2014. The Two Faces of Government-business Relations During Korea’s Developmental Era. Korean Journal of Comparative Government. 18(1), 47-66.

Campbell, J.W. & Im, T. 2015. Identification and Trust in Public Organizations: A Communicative Approach. Public Management Review. 17(8), 1065-1084. 

Im, T., Campbell, J.W., & Jeong, J. 2016. Commitment Intensity in Public Organizations: Performance, Innovation, Leadership, and PSM. Review of Public Personnel Administration. 36(3), 219-239.

Im, T., Campbell, J.W., & Cha, S. 2013. Revisiting Confucian Bureaucracy: Roots of the Korean Government’s Culture and Competitiveness. Public Administration and Development. 33(4), 286-296.

Im, T., Cho, W., Lee, H., & Campbell, J.W. 2014. Citizen Preference and Resource Allocation: The Case for Participatory Budgeting in Seoul. Local Government Studies. 40(1), 102-120.

Book Chapters

Campbell, J.W. 2022. Change-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public Organizations: Appropriateness, Opportunity, Risk, and Public Service Motivation. In E. C. Stazyk & R. S. Davis (Eds.), Research Handbook on Motivation in Public Administration (pp. 336–353). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Campbell, J.W. 2021. Evolution and Change in Public Organizations: Efficiency, Legitimacy, and the Resilience of Core Organizational Elements. In Bryer, T.A. (Ed.), Handbook of Theories of Public Administration and Management.

Campbell, J.W. 2017. Public Procurement Policy in South Korea: Approaches to Sustainable Development and Anti-Corruption. In T. Im (Ed.), The Experience of Democracy and Bureaucracy in South Korea (pp. 159–179).


Undergraduate Courses

Incheon National University:

Public Organization Theory (Spring 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

Comparative Public Administration (Spring 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

Public Management (Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

Poverty, Development, and Foreign Aid (Fall 2016, 2017, 2021)

Civil Society (Fall 2016, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

Higher School of Economics: 

Foundations of Public Administration (Co-taught) (Fall 2015)

Research Seminar in Public Administration (Fall 2014)

Chung-Ang University: 

Special Topics in Public Administration: Development and Global Governance (Spring 2012)

Special Topics in Public Policy: Theories of the State and Justice (Fall 2012)

Graduate Courses

Incheon National University: 

Internet Research Methods (Spring 2017, 2020, 2021, Fall 2022)

Organization Theory (Fall 2017)

Global Governance (Spring 2023)

Public Bureaucracy (Spring 2018, Fall 2020, 2023)

Public Management (Fall 2018, Spring 2024)

Comparative Public Administration (Spring 2019, 2022)

Thesis Supervision and Activity

Academic Advisor

Public Values in the United States, Türkiye, and South Korea: A Comparative Analysis of MZ Generation Citizens, Ayse Aydogan, MA Thesis, Incheon National University, Spring, 2024.

Trust, Resource Efficiency, and New Public Management: A Cross-National Mediation Analysis, Andrew K. Tao, PhD Thesis, Fall 2021.

Social Enterprise in South Korea: Mission, Competition, and the Role of Government, Yesim Atis, MA Thesis, Incheon National University, Spring 2020.

The Effect of Quality of Government on Citizens’ Trust in Government: A Multilevel Cross-National Study, Sarvarbek Rakhimov, MA Thesis, Incheon National University, Spring 2020.

Committee Member

E-Participation Intentions in Mongolia: The Effects of Social Capital, Red Tape, And Public Service Motivation, Burmaa Tsogt-Ochir, PhD Thesis, Incheon National University, Fall 2023.

E-government Practice, Perceived Red-tape, Citizens’ Satisfaction and Trust in Government: Evidence from the the Inland Revenue Department, Nepal, Devid K. Basyal, PhD Thesis, Incheon National University, Spring 2018.

Performance Management System Effectiveness: Antecedents and Consequences in Local Government, Reginald G. Ugaddan, PhD Thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, Spring 2018.